Levi Strauss Theory states that the narrative of a story can be explained in a series binary opposites. Many of these are clear from just wastching the opening sequence, such as in 'Pale Rider' and 'Die Hard'.
'Pale Rider'
Safety/Danger: The start of the opening sequence show a happy, calm mining village, but the calm is interupted by a group villainous horsemen who come and destroy the town.
Horsemen/Village People: The village people are quietly going about their daily lives but the horsemen are violently galloping with malice and purpose.
Quiet/Noisy: The tranquility of the town is partially depicted by very quiet, mellow sounds, while the horses are galloping very loudly towards the town.
White Horse/Dark Horses: The horsemen all ride dark brown or black horses, while Clint Eastwood, the 'Pale Rider', riders a white horse.
Group/Lone Man: The bad guys always appear in a group, while the 'Pale Rider' always appears on his own.
Faith/Doubt: The girl is praying over her dogs grave, but asks questions of the existence of god, as she cannot understand why the people are suffering so much.
'Die Hard'
California/New York: He has just flown over to California from New York, and upon arrival complains about the noticable difference, for example he laughs to himself when he sees a young, scantily clad young blonde woman run pat him to embrace her boyfriend at the airport.
Intruders/Partygoers: The people are at a party on the top floor of the building, and the intruders come into the building from the very bottom, trapping everybody on the top floor.
Life/Death: The intruders kill the security guards on the ground floor, letting the audience know that the partygoers' lives are now in danger.
Safety/Danger: Everyone is upstairs in the safety of the party, but the intruders come in, putting everyone in danger.
Together/Apart: Bruce Willis and his wife have been driven apart by her desire to move to California and his desire to stay in New York, but now he has come over to California for Cristmas, they are together again.
Prepared/Non-Prepared: The people at the party are completely unprepared for the attack, while the intruders have planned the attack and are very prepared
'Die Hard'
California/New York: He has just flown over to California from New York, and upon arrival complains about the noticable difference, for example he laughs to himself when he sees a young, scantily clad young blonde woman run pat him to embrace her boyfriend at the airport.
Intruders/Partygoers: The people are at a party on the top floor of the building, and the intruders come into the building from the very bottom, trapping everybody on the top floor.
Life/Death: The intruders kill the security guards on the ground floor, letting the audience know that the partygoers' lives are now in danger.
Safety/Danger: Everyone is upstairs in the safety of the party, but the intruders come in, putting everyone in danger.
Together/Apart: Bruce Willis and his wife have been driven apart by her desire to move to California and his desire to stay in New York, but now he has come over to California for Cristmas, they are together again.
Prepared/Non-Prepared: The people at the party are completely unprepared for the attack, while the intruders have planned the attack and are very prepared