Finished Sequence

Prelim Task

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Main Shoot

The weather forecasts for the whole weekend were bleak, with on-off showers forecast for both days. We decided that if we got any luck with the weather, and it remained relatively dry, we could reshoot all of the shots with the kidnapper in, so that he could have a different costume, and a couple of the shots of Matt outside. If the weather was as forecast, we would leave me in the same costume, and only reshoot the fight scene, and a few indoor shots of me, for example this one.

On the day, the weather was terrible, so we had to do the latter. Considering the weather, the shoot was successful, and we got all of the shots we needed. We are now onto editing our main sequence, especially the fight scene. Much of our sequence is remaining almost exactly the same, but the fight scene gave us some trouble to put together (both in shooting and editing).

Here is our 'making of' video to illustrate this (particularly 1:55 onwards)