Finished Sequence

Prelim Task

Friday, March 26, 2010

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Here is all the technologies we used while producing our sequence.

The camera was very easy to handle and very portable, and it’s manual focus function, which I had never attempted to use before, was very useful and very easy to use. It helped hugely in achieving a more professional look, and I would definitely advise anyone doing the same project to use manual focus.
The editing software (Adobe Premiere CS3) was very useful and easy to use, and I feel that I have gained a lot of confidence it my technical ability, allowing me to edit much more quickly and efficiently.

I found After Effects much less helpful, which I found difficult to navigate, and didn’t find that I needed to do anything on it that I couldn’t do on Premiere. The one exception to this was tracking the titles, which, no matter how hard we tried, the program didn’t seem to be able to do it accurately and precisely enough. However, in hindsight, tracking titles could have worked, had we left in some longer shots with easy tracking points.